
耶穌也是佛弟子(BBC): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAaW6BYhfNM

耶穌並沒有死在十字架上, 他的門徒救了他, 耶穌沒有復活, 他的後人和墳墓現在還在印度, 看了這個BBC的影片, 你就會知道耶穌12歲到30歲之間在哪裡學佛, 聖經的作者把它擦除掉, 但是真相還是真相, 永遠擦不掉!


佛教與基督教同為世界上的主要宗教,釋迦牟尼佛在耶穌約五百年之前誕生。從孔雀王朝起,佛教開始向印度各地、中東以及中國傳播。前331年-前325年馬其頓亞歷山大大帝東徵至印度河,希臘人其後更在該地區成立了多個印度-希臘王國,不單將希臘文化帶至印度,也令印度文化包括佛教傳播至中東、埃及和希臘。有學者包括普林斯頓大學宗教系教授伊萊恩·柏高絲,透過分析早期基督教和佛教經文,推測兩者有關係。在諾斯底教派的多馬福音中[1] ,柏高絲認為「有部份和佛教相似,這些早期的經文很可能受到當時已經發展成熟的佛教傳統影響。」[2] 另外,艾伯特·約瑟·艾德蒙斯認為約翰福音裏含有一些佛教的概念。[3] 其它學者亦曾比較路加福音和方廣大莊嚴經裏關於耶穌誕生和釋迦牟尼佛誕生相似的描述。[4]

多馬福音成書之時,有不少佛教的傳教者居住於埃及的亞歷山大港。[2] 歷史學家認為公元4世紀時,基督教的修道院開始在埃及建立,而當時的修道院的結構和同時期的佛教寺院有相似之處。


耶穌在童年到成年講道之間有許多年並沒有任何記載,被人稱為耶穌行成謎的歲月,有人甚至推測耶穌有機會到了印度或西藏。1887年一名俄羅斯的情報員尼古拉斯·諾多維奇曾去過印度北部拉達克的一個藏傳佛教寺廟(Hemis Monastery),並聲稱在佛寺裏看到關於聖伊薩事跡的手稿(Saint Issa,耶穌名字的阿拉伯譯音)。他將之翻譯為法文La vie inconnue de Jesus Christ並在1894年出版,該書隨即被翻譯為英文、德文、西班牙文及意大利文。

諾多維奇的説法受到質疑。德國的東方研究學者馬克斯·繆勒和該佛寺通訊(1956年,指並無證據顯示諾多維奇曾到過這間寺院,並向外界展示他得到佛寺主持的簽名信否定。[34] 但亦有其它人,如印裔英國宗教學者(亦是一位喇嘛)阿希達南達於1887年親身到訪該寺廟,也聲稱自己看到同樣的手稿,並將其經歷及經文翻譯為英文。[35] 雖然這些説法尚未得到驗證,新紀元運動以此作為自己信仰的證據。[36]



誕生的傳説:釋迦牟尼的母親摩耶夫人夢見白象從左側進入身體,並有僧侶預言兒子將會是君王或偉大的佛陀(覺悟者),後來從右側產下釋迦牟尼。聖母瑪利亞夢見天使[來源請求],預言兒子會是地上的君王,童貞懷孕,後產下基督。[39] 聖母抱著耶穌的雕像有如佛母抱著釋迦牟尼的雕像。






The unknown years of Jesus (also called his silent years, lost years, or missing years) generally refers to the period between his childhood and the beginning of his ministry, a period not described in the New Testament.[1][2]

The "lost years of Jesus" concept is usually encountered in esoteric literature (where it at times also refers to his possible post-crucifixion activities) but is not commonly used in scholarly literature since it is assumed that Jesus was probably working as a carpenter in Galilee, at least some of the time with Saint Joseph, from the age of twelve till thirty, so the years were not "lost years", and that he died on Calvary.[2][3][4]

In the late medieval period, there appeared Arthurian legends that the young Jesus had been in Britain.[5][not in citation given]In the 19th and 20th centuries theories began to emerge that between the ages of 12 and 30 Jesus had visited Kashmir, or had studied with the Essenes in the Judea desert.[4][6] Modern mainstream Christian scholarship has generally rejected these theories and holds that nothing is known about this time period in the life of Jesus.[4][7][8][9]

The use of the "lost years" in the "swoon hypothesis", suggests that Jesus survived his crucifixion and continued his life.[10] This, and the related view that he avoided crucifixion altogether, has given rise to several speculations about what happened to him in the supposed remaining years of his life, but these are not accepted by mainstream scholars either.



  天堂,會收反對派嗎? 天堂,會收抗議者嗎? 天堂,會收遊行者嗎? 天堂,會收不滿者嗎? 天堂,會收示威者嗎? 天堂,會收黃絲暴徒嗎? 不會收!